
Branding, Design and Marketing Agency

“Design is intelligence made visible”
-Amina Wheeler

The above mentioned quote summarizes the need for design in our lives perfectly. Indeed, design is intelligence made visible. Humans are naturally more impacted by things that are appealing to the eye, as compared to those that take time for our minds to figure out. No matter which industry you belong to, good design speaks more for itself than the designer or artist ever can. And in the business of communication, great design is a must have. 

Think of this yourself. You are more likely to remember something that looked and felt good, rather than the most serious of messages. This is why communication professionals need to pay extra attention to the element of design when designing communication messages, no matter whichever target audience they are creating it for. Advertisements for products and services are most effective when the graphics stand out while maintaining relevance to and clarity of the message. The right graphic can attract good attention and increase the likelihood that the customer will keep coming back for more. 

UI and UX design are tough to get right, especially, since it is difficult to communicate with customers throughout the design process. Just like a writer chooses their words well, it is the designer’s responsibility to choose visual elements carefully, so that it may have the maximum impact on the viewer. Here’s how

  1. Benchmarking for success
    There’s inspiration to be found everywhere, and the more we explore, the more our knowledge grows. It is important for designers to understand industry trends, happenings and what their competition is doing, in order to stay ahead. Benchmarking studies thus become imperative to undertake. It helps design teams assess where they stand and how they can improve. Whenever you start on new projects, always look up similar projects that have been completed, and how users have responded to them. This brings a lot of clarity.


  2. Maintaining harmony
    Whether you think of designing something with a pen and paper,  graphic design, or UI design, this is true for all three. It is important for design teams to understand that visually, communication happens through fonts, figures, colors and typography. Each element has their own personality, and even if one is missing, the entire design goes haywire. 
    While most people learn on the job, there are also multiple theoretical fundas that designers need to master. Only then can they weave the entire story together and present something fantastic to the end user. Here, designers also have to be creative in the way they utilize the elements at their disposal. Click bait buttons, animations and interactive buttons are great ways to grab people’s attention! Be sure to balance them out to avoid clutter. 


  3. Understand what the user wants
    This is by far the most important thing to remember, and also the first step of the overall design thinking process. Empathy. Unless designers are able to empathize with the consumers and their needs, it makes no sense to create something for them. Only when you know their pain points will you be able to communicate a solution to them, otherwise, all efforts will go to waste. We can not forget the value of feedback too, since the more feedback users give, the better the end product turns out to be! 

Want to know more about enhancing your UI and UX? Get in touch with us now!